Made In Bury

2000 Times Better Than A COVID-19 Result!

This week’s lucky winner of the Made in Bury Weekly £2000 Draw is Laura Littlejohn from Slattery Pâtissier and Chocolatiers in Whitefield with ticket number 20750.

We hoped to head down and surprise Laura with the good news so we decided to call owner John to see if Laura was working today. Unfortunately, Laura wasn’t in today so we had to go with a phone call instead!

Phil called Laura and it turns out she is actually at home isolating at the moment as someone in her house has COVID-19, so she was delighted with the news that she’s won £2000 today and it’s something positive to be told during these strange times.

When asked what she would spend the money on Laura said she’d like to spend it but her partner would prefer she puts it towards their deposit as they are saving to buy a house together, so it’s probably going to go on that!

Laura has worked for Slattery for 8 years. Starting out as their Saturday girl, she is now a cake decorator in the patisserie.

There have been quite a few winners from Slattery in the past few years as lots of the employees there are involved in the Made in Bury Weekly £2000 Draw and we want to thank them for their ongoing support. You have to be in it to win it!

Click here to see the moment we surprised Laura with the winning phonecall! 


Congratulations again Laura, we hope we’ve managed to put a smile on yours and your family’s faces this Winning Wednesday! 


If you’d like to win £2000 on a Wednesday, follow these simple steps to take part in the draw;

1.     Email (saying how many tickets you’d like)

2.     Wait for your number/s to be issued along with details on how to set up a standing order via your online banking.

3.     Set up your standing order, cross your fingers then wait for the Winning Wednesday call!

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