Made In Bury

Holiday Bonus For Weekly Draw Winner

Please join us in congratulating Lisa Gildea who has won this week’s Weekly £2,000 Draw with ticket number 20709.

Today’s winner of the Weekly £2000 Draw, and the first winner of June, is Lisa Gildea who is a social worker with Bolton Council and holds 2 tickets to the Weekly Draw!

Lisa has supported the Weekly £2000 Draw since June 2018. She bought her tickets when she worked at Bury Council for 11 years as a social worker, but she has since moved over to Bolton Council and maintains her place in the Draw.

We called Lisa today to tell her the fantastic news and to our surprise she was on holiday in Holland at Euro Camp with her husband, Scott, and two children, Noah (17) and Louis (4). Lisa was thrilled to hear the news that she had won £2000 and was this weeks winner.

When we asked Lisa what she was going to spend her £2000 winnings on she said that she will be spending it on her home, but she said she will certainly be celebrating with a lovely meal tonight whilst she’s on holiday.

We wish Lisa and her family all the best for their holiday and we hope she has a fabulous time spending her winnings!

Lisa Gildea
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