MAY 2022
Committing to the Academy Programme was an amazing experience for me. Right from the very first session I had so much support from Phil and Debi, as well as the occasional challenge to my thinking and ideas. Phil taught me about how important it is to work ‘on the business’ as well as ‘in the business.’ I’ll never forget the day he asked me how much was in my marketing budget – my answer – nothing, I don’t have enough money to market so I need to rely on word of mouth. He soon put me right on that!
The programme really made me question who would be my likeliest clients and this helped shape the branding and marketing. I enjoyed all the modules but if I had to pick a couple out I’d say pricing and positioning as well as selling skills were of most value to me as these were the areas I was least comfortable with.
My networking skills have improved massively and whenever I introduce myself I use the model given to me – ‘The 60 second introduction’.
The other people on the programme were also extremely supportive and, together with Phil, stretched my thinking to the point that I made some big changes around my business. All I can say is a huge thank you to Phil, Debi and the other business owners on the programme for having so much impact on my business and on the confidence I now have in myself as a business owner.’