Made In Bury

The Icing On The Cake

Today’s winner of the Made in Bury Weekly £2,000 Draw is Denise Hadley from Bury Council – ticket number 21774.
Denise has worked for Bury Council for 20 years and is a support worker in the Rapid Response Team. This department receives calls from GP’s and Hospitals for people who need urgent support and they have been working the whole way through lockdown to support those in need.
When we called Denise to deliver the good news, she told us it was the first time she had ever won anything so we are thrilled that Denise’s first-ever win was in The Made in Bury Weekly £2,000 Draw. 
To top things off, it was Denise’s 60th Birthday last Thursday so winning £2,000 really is the icing on the cake.
Denise is going to spend the money on a trip to Australia next year to visit her son who lives in Sydney. It sure will be worth the wait.



The Made in Bury Weekly £2,000 Draw is a not for profit initiative and costs just £2 a week to enter. The funds raised from the draw go towards supporting start-up businesses in Bury.

There are only 2,400 tickets available and for just £2 per ticket per week, you have a chance to WIN £2,000 every Wednesday.

If you would like to sign up for the draw just follow these simple steps:

1.     Email (saying how many tickets you’d like)

2.     Wait for your number/s to be issued along with details on how to set up a standing order via your online banking.

3.     Set up your standing order, cross your fingers then wait for the Winning Wednesday call!

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