Made In Bury

This week’s £2000 is in safe hands with Lisa Sayer!

It’s the first Winning Wednesday of May and today’s lucky winner is Lisa Sayer from Bury Council with ticket number 20986!

Lisa has two tickets in the draw and has been in since 2018 so today’s winning call was definitely worth the wait!

When Amy called Lisa to surprise her with the news that she’d won, she was absolutely delighted and said that Amy really had made her day. Amy asked Lisa if she knew why she might be calling on a Wednesday and she said she was hoping it is because she’s won! It certainly was the reason Lisa!

Lisa was so grateful and said it feels “absolutely fantastic” to have won and it is such a surprise as she never wins anything.

Having an avid interest in riding motorcycles, Lisa said the £2000 will probably go on parts for her motorbike.

Lisa is a Community Response Day Officer for Bury Council. She spends her days doing many things within the security department including checking on properties and dealing with security alarm activations.

Lisa has worked for Bury Council for 21 years and has always worked in security. It is brilliant to have her supporting the draw and we really value her support.

Congratulations again Lisa! Who knows, we could be calling you next week telling you your second ticket number has come up!

Watch the moment we surprised Lisa with that winning call here.

For only £2 per week, you too could be like Lisa and receive that winning phone call on a Wednesday! 

The Made in Bury Weekly £2000 Draw is a not-for-profit initiative which supports the Made in Bury Business Academy, helping start-up businesses in the borough and providing them with interest-free loans.

You’ve got to be in it to win it! With only 2,400 tickets available the odds are fantastic. The draw is exclusively for people that work or live in the borough, or who are associated with Bury through friends and family.

Click here to join our Facebook Group to find out more. Don’t forget to get the whole family involved too and give yourselves more chances of winning!


If you would like to sign up for the draw just follow these simple steps:

1.     Email (saying how many tickets you’d like)

2.     Wait for your number/s to be issued along with details on how to set up a standing order via your online banking.

3.     Set up your standing order, cross your fingers then wait for the Winning Wednesday call!

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